I was 11 years old when I was told the story of 2nd Lt Arun Khetarpal PVC(P)and ever since his bravery, his life has inspired me what he was able to achieve in a young age is matchless....what he taught us was important country and duty before self..even today he continues to inspire me and many Indians...
There is a saying in Mahabharata that:
“Warriors who die in the veergati taste the nectar of highest heaven and sit near the throne of Indra”
So many of our great warriors will be having there thrones near the Indra Dev’s Throne...
In this post We salute the Youngest among them, The bravest of the Brave, The hero of battle of Basantar (Bara Pind as Pak Army calls it) 2nd Lt Arun Khetarpal PVC(P).
2nd Lt Arun Khetarpal was all of 21 years when he won the Paramveer chakra India’s Highest gallantry award for the highest degree of valour or self-sacrifice in the presence of the enemy.
Arun Khetarpal denied the enemy a crucial breakthrough which the enemy was seeking desperately ,He made sure not one enemy tank passed.
Arun Khetarpal fought the battle to finish it.
Arun Khetarpal was commissioned into the 17th Pune horse regiment the same regiment which won a PVC in 1965 war (Lt Col Tarapore).
The war broke out 6 months after he was commissioned and the young officer was in the frontlines facing the enemy.
On 16 December Pakistan armoured formations attacked the 17 Pune Horse at Jarpal,Heavily outnumbered against the enemy the Indian commander of B squadron called for reinforcement to which Arun Khetarpal responded and with his detachment as they were positioned close.
On their way the troops faced resistance from the enemy recoilless guns ,Arun Khetarpal attacked the enemy positions and overran them, During one of the attacks the commander of the 2nd tank was killed but he continued his pursuit of the enemy and had the enemy on the run the enemy had began to retreat.
Later in the day the enemy regrouped and choose to attack the sector held by Arun Khetarpal and two other officers so it was 3 Indian tanks facing 15 enemy tanks. A fierce tank battle took place 10 enemy tanks were knocked off. Two of the Indian tanks were also causalities, Arun Khetarpal’s tank was also hit and he was asked to abandon the tank by his commander but Arun Khetarpal knew the enemy was not completely out and if he would abandon the tank the enemy would break through, His words to his superior were “No Sir, I will not abandon my tank. My gun is still working and I will get these bastards.”
And he set out destroying the remaining enemy tanks.
What followed is a story of extreme valour and courage unparallel in the history of warfare. He then set out to destroy the remaining 4 tanks all from his burning tank. The last enemy tank was 100 mts from his position Arun Khetarpal took a shot and halted it at this stage his tank was hot again and the young officer badly wounded attained martyrdom.
2nd Lt Arun Khetarpalwas no more but by his exemplary bravery and duty before self had saved the day not even one enemy tank passed through.
2nd Lieutenant Arun Khetarpalexceptional valour ensured that not one enemy tank got through. As his “Citation” noted, “(His) was an act of courage and self-sacrifice far beyond the call of duty”
PVC Citation
The citation for the Param Vir Chakra awarded to him reads:
On 16 December 1971, the Squadron Commander of ‘B’ Squadron, the Poona Horse asked for reinforcement as the Pakistani Armour which was superior in strength, counter attacked at Jarpal, in the Shakargarh Sector. On hearing this transmission, Second Lieutenant Arun Khetarpalwho was in ‘A’ Squadron, voluntarily moved along with his troop, to assist the other squadron. En route, while crossing the Basantar River, Second Lieutenant Arun Khetarpaland his troop came under fire from enemy strong points and RCL gun nests that were still holding out. Time was at a premium and as critical situation was developing in the ‘B’ Squadron sector, Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal Khetarpal, threw caution to the winds and started attacking the impending enemy strong points by literally charging them, overrunning the defence works with his tanks and capturing the enemy infantry and weapon crew at pistol point. In commander of his troop was killed. Second Lieutenant Arun Khetarpalcontinued to attack relentlessly until all enemy opposition was overcome and he broke through towards the ‘B’ Squadron position, just in time to see the enemy tanks pulling back after their initial probing attack on this squadron. He was so carried away by the wild enthusiasm of battle and the impetus of his own headlong dash that he started chasing the withdrawing tanks and even managed to shoot and destroy one. Soon thereafter, the enemy reformed with a squadron of armour for a second attack and this time they selected the sector held by Second Lieutenant Arun Khetarpaland two other tanks as the points for their main effort. A fierce tank fight ensured ten enemy tanks were hit and destroyed of which Second Lieutenant Arun Khetarpalwas severely wounded. He was asked to abandon his tank but he realised that the enemy though badly decimated was continuing to advance in his sector of responsibility and if he abandoned his tank the enemy would break through, he gallantly fought on and destroyed another enemy tank, At this stage his tank received a second hit which resulted in the death of this gallant officer.
Second Lieutenant Arun Khetarpalwas dead but he had, by his intrepid valour saved the day; the enemy was denied the breakthrough he was so desperately seeking. Not one enemy tank got through.
Second Lieutenant Arun Khetarpalhad shown the best qualities of leadership, tenacity of purpose and the will to close in with the enemy. This was an act of courage and self-sacrifice far beyond the call of duty.
The Bravest of Brave
However a strange sequel was to follow for the Khetarpal family.Many years later, India and Pakistan established 'people to people' contacts between both the nations. This was also known as 'Twin Track Diplomacy'.
Brigadier M..L. Khetarpal, father of 2nd Lt. Khetarpal started receiving messages that a certain Brigadier from the Pakistani army
was keen to meet him. However since he did not know this particular Brigadier, Brigadier M.L. Khetarpal did not do anything to encourage
the meeting.
In 2001, Brigadier M.L. Khetarpal now 81 years old felt a strong desire to visit his birthplace, at Sargodha, now in Pakistan. It was a
wish that he thought that would never materialize, but when he voiced it to some friends engaged in the Twin Track Diplomacy, they arranged all his papers, visas, travel and staying arrangements in Pakistan so that he could go for the visit.
At Lahore airport, Brigadier M.L. Khetarpal was met by Brigadier Khawja Mohammad Naser, who took it upon himself to be Brigadier M.L. Khetarpal host and guide. Brigadier Naser really went out of way to ensure that Brigadier M.L. Khetarpal had a satisfying and nostalgic
visit to his old house in Sargodha. Upon his return to Lahore he was once again the guest of Brigadier Naser for three days.
Brigadier M.L. Khetarpal was overwhelmed by the extreme kindness deference, courtesy and respect bestowed upon him by Brigadier Naser, all the members of his family and his many servants. As the countdown for the departure progressed, the bonds of friendship between the guests and the host grew stronger and stronger. However Brigadier Khetarpal felt that something was amiss but could not make out what it was. Was it the long silences that punctuated their animated conversation or was it the look of compassion in the eyes of the women in the family. He could not make out..
However what was certain was that he would always remember the hospitality, warmth and affection of this Pakistani family who treated
him as someone very very special.
Finally at the last night before Brigadier M.L.. Khetarpal's departure, Brigadier Naser said 'Sir there is something that I wanted to tell you for many years but I did not know how to get through to you. Finally fate has intervened and sent you to me as an honoured guest. The last few days we have become close to one another and that has made my task even more difficult. It is regarding your son who is of course a national hero in India. However on that fateful day, your son and I were soldiers, unknown to one another, fighting for the respect and safety of our respective countries. I regret to tell you that your son died in my hands. Arun Khetarpal's courage was exemplary and he moved his tank with fearless courage and daring, totally unconcerned about his safety. Tank casualties were very high till finally there were just two of us left facing one another. We both fired simultaneously. It was destined that I was to live and he was to die.
It is only later that I got to know how young he was and who he was. We are trained to fight and kill without mercy or remorse. We do in war what we have to without thinking too much about it. However we are humans too and sometimes war takes a personal turn and makes an impact on the inner self..
I had all along thought that I would ask your forgiveness, but in telling the story I realize that there is nothing to forgive. Instead
I salute your son for what he did at such a young age and I salute you too, because I know how he grew into such a young man. In the end it is character and values that matter."
Brigadier M.L. Khetarpal was silent as he did not know how to react.To be faced with the person who killed his son, and also to be
enjoying his hospitality and being his guest is a confusing feeling.
However Brigadier M.L. Khetarpal immediately realized that Brigadier Naser was genuinely wanting, in some way to compensate for something that he did only in the line of duty. The soldier must do what he has been trained to do unhesitatingly, and with full resolve and determination.
Both the Brigadiers retired for the night deep in thought. There are never any victors in war, both sides lose and it is the families that
have to pay the price and suffer the most. As someone once said ' Wars are created by politicians, compounded by bureaucrats and fought by soldiers.
The next day photographs were taken and Brigadier M.L. Khetarpal returned back to Delhi.
Later the photos reached Delhi along with a
note from Brigadier Naser that said:
With Warmest regards and utmost sincerity, To: Brigadier M.L. Khetarpal, father of Shaheed Second Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal Khetarpal, PVC,
who stood like an unsurmountable rock, between the victory and failure, of the counter attack by the 'SPEARHEADS' 13 LANCERS on 16 December 1971 in the battle of "Bara Pind' as we call it and battle of "Basantar' as 17 Poona Horse remembers.
Khawja Mohammad Naser, 13 Lancers
02 March 2001
Lahore, Pakistan
References and Links
http://www.2ltArun Khetarpalkhetarpal.com/index.html
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arun Khetarpal_Khetarpal
http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-11-30/india/30458331_1_alma-mater-statue-second-lieutenant-Arun Khetarpal-khetarpal
http://wn.com/Arun Khetarpal_Khetarpal
The Journey Begins
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
for the honor of India
I was sitting in the waiting area of an airport iin USA when a couple of US Army Rangers walked by,
the Crowd moved aside gave way to them and each one of the person standing there shook hands with them and said thank you..
What a Gesture by the people of America and then we call ourselves as a great Nation..
Albert Ikka, Arun Khterapal,Jaswant Singh,Nirmal jeet singh,GS salaria and many more...
Do these names look familiar..?
all are decorated war heroes who at a very young age sacrificed their life for India
As a nation have we forgotten ...this freedom of speech that is entitled to us is because of whom..Who is responsible for protecting our freedom ...have we forgotten?
Brave young men out of their teens fighting the enemy to save this country is this not our country, Don’t we owe anything to this great nation , should we not be indebted what this great nation and the Armed forces have given us...
Today I see people in AC cabins struggling to go on the road, Crimping if anyone has to walk on foot..Why don’t we realize that someone is in the Jungle since four days chasing a terrorist so that the terrorist does not plant a bomb near our localities..Between mosquitoes wild animals and the many other difficulties ..the Jawans could have lead a more luxuries life than what they are living right now..but they choose not to because for them country comes first always and every time...
They have sacrificed their life’s for us and for a nation called India..have you asked this question to yourself what have you done for your country..I know most of us even don’t remember the names of the Brave soldiers who have sacrificed their life for us...
During Kargil I was a Kid I saw a huge surge in patriotism of the nation they cheered for jawans but after kargil war everything disappeared and I have seen people being disrespectful for the brave soldiers...
Same was the case with 26\11 mumbai attacks in four days everyone forgot about the brave souls who put in their best effort to kill the Terrorist.
All the candle light marches come to an end and we forget everything so easily...
We protest everything like University exams, College mess, Regional issues etc etc..Who the hell will protest against the people who have made a mockery of the system people who have our armed forces to blame for every situation,we made a hero of the people who won us the world cup but we never realize the real life hero who is in the border protecting you and me ..why?
Why do we not realize that human life cannot be compensated..why are we so disrespectful as a nation why?
Why there is no war memorial for the soldiers post independence why do we not take part in a candle light march when the Government wants to build statues of prominent leaders and not of the brave soldiers...
Why is it that always we need to be reminded that we owe our freedom to someone....
After class XII lakhs of people appear for the prestigious few Hundred seats of the NDA...those who pass and join NDA make a pledge to serve the country and its people..at a age of 17...
At the age of 17 cracking NDA is the hardest exam I say tougher than an IIT entrance..The boys sign up for the hardships at an very early age while most of us are even afraid to go out on our own at that age...
We as a nation should be grateful to the brave souls and we should respect the soldiers and at least remember them ...Create awareness around you ....So that the Soldier on the Border Knows there is a billion of people who care about him...
Jai Hind..
the Crowd moved aside gave way to them and each one of the person standing there shook hands with them and said thank you..
What a Gesture by the people of America and then we call ourselves as a great Nation..
Albert Ikka, Arun Khterapal,Jaswant Singh,Nirmal jeet singh,GS salaria and many more...
Do these names look familiar..?
all are decorated war heroes who at a very young age sacrificed their life for India
As a nation have we forgotten ...this freedom of speech that is entitled to us is because of whom..Who is responsible for protecting our freedom ...have we forgotten?
Brave young men out of their teens fighting the enemy to save this country is this not our country, Don’t we owe anything to this great nation , should we not be indebted what this great nation and the Armed forces have given us...
Today I see people in AC cabins struggling to go on the road, Crimping if anyone has to walk on foot..Why don’t we realize that someone is in the Jungle since four days chasing a terrorist so that the terrorist does not plant a bomb near our localities..Between mosquitoes wild animals and the many other difficulties ..the Jawans could have lead a more luxuries life than what they are living right now..but they choose not to because for them country comes first always and every time...
They have sacrificed their life’s for us and for a nation called India..have you asked this question to yourself what have you done for your country..I know most of us even don’t remember the names of the Brave soldiers who have sacrificed their life for us...
During Kargil I was a Kid I saw a huge surge in patriotism of the nation they cheered for jawans but after kargil war everything disappeared and I have seen people being disrespectful for the brave soldiers...
Same was the case with 26\11 mumbai attacks in four days everyone forgot about the brave souls who put in their best effort to kill the Terrorist.
All the candle light marches come to an end and we forget everything so easily...
We protest everything like University exams, College mess, Regional issues etc etc..Who the hell will protest against the people who have made a mockery of the system people who have our armed forces to blame for every situation,we made a hero of the people who won us the world cup but we never realize the real life hero who is in the border protecting you and me ..why?
Why do we not realize that human life cannot be compensated..why are we so disrespectful as a nation why?
Why there is no war memorial for the soldiers post independence why do we not take part in a candle light march when the Government wants to build statues of prominent leaders and not of the brave soldiers...
Why is it that always we need to be reminded that we owe our freedom to someone....
After class XII lakhs of people appear for the prestigious few Hundred seats of the NDA...those who pass and join NDA make a pledge to serve the country and its people..at a age of 17...
At the age of 17 cracking NDA is the hardest exam I say tougher than an IIT entrance..The boys sign up for the hardships at an very early age while most of us are even afraid to go out on our own at that age...
We as a nation should be grateful to the brave souls and we should respect the soldiers and at least remember them ...Create awareness around you ....So that the Soldier on the Border Knows there is a billion of people who care about him...
Jai Hind..
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Wish Luck....
Please wish best of Luck to my very dear friend Devesh....
he has IMT interview Today....
My all wishes are with him....and I know he will crack it please take 2 min of your time and wish him luck.
Face Book Link:
Orkut link
he has IMT interview Today....
My all wishes are with him....and I know he will crack it please take 2 min of your time and wish him luck.
Face Book Link:
Orkut link
Old Age Home...
Yesterday went to an old age home....went there with a feeling that I will do something for the people there but came depressed after looking at the condition there I felt I couldn't do anything,but I have to do something to bring them on track...
The first thing that i noticed there was that the living conditions were pathetic,
There are 64 people there out of which 30 are old women,22 children and 12 middle aged women who do the cooking cleaning stuff.
one of the ladies told us that they are thinking how to pay the school fees of the children for next month and how to meet the expenditure of there books etc..
on asking what there basic requirements were food,there were more people and less food and the condition is bad last time in saregudam the infrastructure was OK so we were able to get them on track but here it will take something special to get them on track..
and I am determined to get them on track and lets see what can be done have contacted a few NGO's for help lets see what happens...
The first thing that i noticed there was that the living conditions were pathetic,
There are 64 people there out of which 30 are old women,22 children and 12 middle aged women who do the cooking cleaning stuff.
one of the ladies told us that they are thinking how to pay the school fees of the children for next month and how to meet the expenditure of there books etc..
on asking what there basic requirements were food,there were more people and less food and the condition is bad last time in saregudam the infrastructure was OK so we were able to get them on track but here it will take something special to get them on track..
and I am determined to get them on track and lets see what can be done have contacted a few NGO's for help lets see what happens...
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Shuffling between roles...
Its been a long time since I am here working 2 years
Human Brain is complex of complex nature it knows it cannot have the things it desires but still it does not stop from desiring .
These few days have been of a lot of ups and down,Form being down and out and almost written off Then bouncing back putting things on track in professional space and struggling in some other phase.
these days life had been a lot of frustrating one from big remoter comments to big appreciation comments "the thing is that I am searching for life".....I don't know how but I am actually searching for life...within myself...
Living in Isolation None of my friends know where I am these days My life after 2007 is cutoff completely..A few can guess but it is the way...Many of my loved ones are away from me...I miss you all dear but i will get back soon...The most trusted support and my strength Badu..I miss you a lot...
Things are deteriorating in the personal front..as well...
I had some hopes hanging on CAT exam but they were crushed to death .....but"its not how hard you hit..but how hard you get hit and keep moving on".."Fight live with your gloves on hit it before it hits you"....this is the thing that has kept me going till now and will keep me moving..
I have been and always will be giving life my best...best in my work ..best in my life....Best in the field...have a interview scheduled tommorow..
Some times back I used to ask god to give me this give me that....but from past one week I am just saying to god Help me to do my best....as it is said..
"To prepare is my duty, to achieve, MY DESTINY""
Human Brain is complex of complex nature it knows it cannot have the things it desires but still it does not stop from desiring .
These few days have been of a lot of ups and down,Form being down and out and almost written off Then bouncing back putting things on track in professional space and struggling in some other phase.
these days life had been a lot of frustrating one from big remoter comments to big appreciation comments "the thing is that I am searching for life".....I don't know how but I am actually searching for life...within myself...
Living in Isolation None of my friends know where I am these days My life after 2007 is cutoff completely..A few can guess but it is the way...Many of my loved ones are away from me...I miss you all dear but i will get back soon...The most trusted support and my strength Badu..I miss you a lot...
Things are deteriorating in the personal front..as well...
I had some hopes hanging on CAT exam but they were crushed to death .....but"its not how hard you hit..but how hard you get hit and keep moving on".."Fight live with your gloves on hit it before it hits you"....this is the thing that has kept me going till now and will keep me moving..
I have been and always will be giving life my best...best in my work ..best in my life....Best in the field...have a interview scheduled tommorow..
Some times back I used to ask god to give me this give me that....but from past one week I am just saying to god Help me to do my best....as it is said..
"To prepare is my duty, to achieve, MY DESTINY""
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Give Me Some sunshine Give me some rain....
This Post is Dedicated to all my friends from my college days..
mareez,Rane,Nathu,Luri Parwane,pantji,sanju,makka,pappu...
with whom life was fun and who gave me moments I can cherish for a lifetime...
u guys are great...
3 Idiots are here...
A movie that brings back the memories of college days back, Memories of my best and life long friends back...and the song I want to grow up once again impacts out heart more than anyone else...
College days were Fun... Leg Pulling was Fun only when Luri used to do it. and rane used to pull my leg on one thing always and mareez used to join in between :) Pappu and parwane were easy targets for all.... nathu was the most decent guy in our group after he was drunk as silent as....... I doonno.
Cheers to all my college friends
mareez,Rane,Nathu,Luri Parwane,pantji,sanju,makka,pappu...
with whom life was fun and who gave me moments I can cherish for a lifetime...
u guys are great...
3 Idiots are here...
A movie that brings back the memories of college days back, Memories of my best and life long friends back...and the song I want to grow up once again impacts out heart more than anyone else...
College days were Fun... Leg Pulling was Fun only when Luri used to do it. and rane used to pull my leg on one thing always and mareez used to join in between :) Pappu and parwane were easy targets for all.... nathu was the most decent guy in our group after he was drunk as silent as....... I doonno.
Cheers to all my college friends
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Saregudam School..

saregudam is place near my current office bahadurpally...
It all started with my senior in my office Mr Yogesh and Pranshu sir shared the idea with us..in a team meeting..
At the first instance I had a gut feeling that i am a part of this project..
The school was a goverment aided school but the facilities from goverment were limited to mid day meals...
So we decided to go to the school and scope out there requirements..
when we reached the school there was black board but it was all white ..the two rooms in which the school used to run were in a bad shape..even there was no proper white wash..
So it was decided in a meeting of volunteers from our office that the basic needs like books,copies,pencils have to be met and also ..the rooms will be white washed..
So sat and sun..were reserved for the white wash of the rooms...and trust me it was lot of fun and satisfaction when we were done with the white wash..
So our white washing team included same pranshu sir ,Yogesh sir,Ashish sir,and shahsank sir and of course me.
two days of hardwork paid of we white washed the whole school and painted the black boards too....and at the end of the second day i could smell myself full of turpentine...
So once these things were complete it was decided that we will be there on 15 Aug..to celebrate the independence day with the school kids...
since the fund was raised by our entire team so we invited our whole office team to be a part of it...and most of them came...
on 15 Aug we had a flag hoisting by the village sarpanch with whom our seniors had a talk regading the school..and the sarpanch agreed to our point..(it seemed so)..
we had different games we had bought prizes for the students...and that was a wonderful experience with the kids ..it was so nice to see them smiling and happy while playing......
the pics on the side show only some moments but it was indeed a great experience..
now we continue to monitor the school and see to it that all there requirements are being fullfilled...
and this helped in creating a self help group in our office ...we cite different things where we can make a difference...
and the next destination is just ahead of us..
and it feels great after doing these things...try once:)
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